Affordance & intuitivity in video games

/ about this work
This is a project I've done with a classmate at our last school: we had to write a white book about a subject we wanted.
With him, we decided to work on videogames because we where interested about the purpose of an UX in this industry and what he can give.
/ Process
We have seperate this work in four chapter and we made sure that our work is simple even for a reader who does not know this field of activity. Thanks to our understanding of affordance and intuitiveness, studies, dissertations and other books on the subject: we have been able to better understand the implication of UX and congnitive psychology applied in video games. The first chapter: we define what we gonna use to explain how the affordance and intuitivity works in our case. The second chapter: we make some recommendations and UX methodologies. The third chapter: the methods learning we can use. The fourth chapter: 10 tips and best practices to remember. And we close those chapters with an annex where there is all the links of website that inspire us, books and thesis.

This work allowed us to learn more about the beneficial contribution of UX concepts in the gaming industry: in particular what we can bring about specific topics like the user interface that is the heart of the experience user.
CLIC HERE TO SEE THE FRENCH PDF OF THIS WORKHowever, I am working on a website that would transcribe all the content of our work in English, with a reworked and completed text, without some misspellings, more details on this research with animations and interviews with professionals in the best case.